Erin Trujeque Memorial
Established in loving memory of Erin Trujeque (November 5, 1972 – September 21, 1985), this award winning event has raised over $10 million to help New Mexico’s children with cancer and their families cope with the day-to-day needs of living with and fighting cancer.
About Erin
At the age of eleven, shortly after he had competed in the Junior Golf Tournament, Erin was diagnosed with cancer. For the next year, he was treated at the University of New Mexico Pediatric Oncology Program. During his treatment he was the recipient of “Bravery Awards.” He received a check after his treatments and painful procedures that served as a distraction for him. He always wanted to go shopping after visiting the clinic, and while $2 or $3 checks did not buy him much, he was very grateful for the awards he so looked forward to.
During his frequent hospital stays, Erin met many other children from throughout New Mexico. He quickly realized that while he was fortunate to be surrounded by friends and family who were always available to bring whatever he needed or desired, most of the other children were far from home and the support system our family was blessed with.
While friends approached the family with a suggestion to host a golf tournament to raise money to help out, Erin’s answer was simple….”sure, but only if it’s for all the kid’s.” Erin lost his courageous battle with cancer before the tournament could be arranged, but his family and friends thought it appropriate that a tournament in his memory should be established to help all the kids.
Helping Kids & Families For Decades
The Erin Trujeque Memorial Golf Tournament is now in it’s THIRTY-EIGHTH year! The proceeds of the tournament benefit the Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico which continues to provide for the needs of families of children with cancer. Countless children have smiled as a result of receiving a bravery award in the form of a toy or gift card after a treatment or painful procedure.
Many, many families have been assisted with day-to-day needs so that they could concentrate on helping their child fight cancer. Hundreds of students who have been treated for childhood cancer have received scholarships to continue their education beyond high school… giving them hope for a bright future – a tribute to Erin, a young man whose generous, thoughtful and courageous nature lives on to help kids with cancer.